Story of Emma

So, how would I describe myself to a complete stranger? Not something I would usually consider doing but you've come to find out more about me and gosh darn it, that's what you're going to get.

My name is Emma (that much is obvious), I'm 24 and I was born, raised and live in Birmingham, UK.  So yes, I have a Birmingham accent and yes, I am proud of it.

In early 2015, I was diagnosed as having a grade II brainstem glioma which (as you can imagine) was a big shock.  It took me a while to come to terms with but now it's just an every day part of my life, like coffee or terrible reality television.

I started this blog because someone I admire told me "the world could do with some Emma". I'm not sure she realised how much that statement affected me but here I am, rambling into the Internet void and hoping someone will hear me.

Now, for the obligatory "random facts"...we'll go with six.

1. I'm studying at the Open University and it's amazing, I'd recommend it to anyone.
2. My boyfriend owns a café which he runs single handed and I am very, very proud of him.
3. I have a passion for true crime and have done from quite a young age. My library card was once flagged as a concern because of the sheer volume of books about murderers I was checking out.
4. I'm a vegetarian and I adore animals but I am actually quite terrified of most living creatures.
5. Despite my age, I still read an incredibly large amount of fanfiction.  I am not ashamed.
6. I am a die hard Agatha Christie fan and have read everything she ever wrote, seen every TV adaptation of every work and try and see the stage plays whenever I can.

I have completely failed to retain the air of mystery a lot of bloggers do but thank you for popping over to see my ramblings and I hope I do not come across as an idiot.

Have a gorgeous day!

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